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Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act

Documents Referenced in the Drafting and Enactment of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act (2017)

Documents that were used for archival research for the 2017 MITSC report on the drafting and enactment of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act (also known as "The Suffolk Report)".

U.S. Senate Hearings on the Proposed Settlement of Maine Indian Land Claims

U.S. Senate Hearings on the Proposed Settlement of Maine Indian Land Claims before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs.

Report, Hearing Transcript and Related Memoranda of the Joint Select Committee on Indian Land Claims, Part 1

Part 1 of the 1980 Report of Maine Legislature Joint Select Committee on Indian Land Claims. Titled "Report, Hearing Transcript and Related Memoranda of the Joint Select Committee on Indian Land Claims." This report includes the Committee's "findings and intentions in voting" for L.D. 2037, "AN ACT to Provide For Implementation of the Settlement of Claims by Indians in the State of Maine"

Report, Hearing Transcript and Related Memoranda of the Joint Select Committee on Indian Land Claims, Part 2

Part 2 of 1980 Report of Maine Legislature Joint Select Committee on Indian Land Claims. Titled "Report, Hearing Transcript and Related Memoranda of the Joint Select Committee on Indian Land Claims." This report includes the Committee's "findings and intentions in voting" for L.D. 2037, "AN ACT to Provide For Implementation of the Settlement of Claims by Indians in the State of Maine".

Native American Sovereignty in Maine

Consultant Stephen Brimley provides an overview and analysis of Native American sovereignty in Maine. The article was originally published in the Fall/Winter 2004 issue of Maine Policy Review, a journal published by the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine and Margaret Chase Smith Library in Skowhegan. For online access to the journal readers may go to www.umaine.edu/mcsc/mpr.htm.

(Federal) Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act

This is the federal Settlement Act as it appears in the United States Code. It includes two later amendments related to the Aroostook Band of Micmacs and the Houlton Band of Maliseets. The Settlement Act as it was passed in 1980 is included in this section of the Library under the heading, "(Federal) Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980." The amendments relating to the Micmacs and the Maliseets may also be found seperately in this section of the Library.

(Federal) Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980

This is the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act as it was passed in 1980. The Settlement Act with later amendments relating to the Aroostook Band of Micmacs and the Houlton Band of Maliseets may be found in this section of the Library under the title, "(Federal) Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act." The amendments concerning the Micmacs and Maliseets may also be found separately in this section of the Library.

The Drafting and Enactment of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act: Report on Research Findings

This report presents archival research on and analysis of the drafting of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act (MICSA), a federal law enacted in October 1980 to settle land claims brought by the Passamaquoddy Tribe and Penobscot Indian Nation.

MITSC Testimony on LD 308 An Act To Require the Attorney General To Consult with Tribes on MICSA

The testimony of MITSC Chair Jamie Bissonette Lewey provided to the Judiciary Committee on April 4, 2014 in support of LD 308 An Act To Require the Attorney General To Consult with Federally Recognized Indian Tribes before Issuing an Opinion on Federal Legislation Affecting the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980.

Impact of Maine Civil Laws on the Wabanaki: 1997-2000

A review, pursuant to a Legislative Resolve, of how the civil laws of Maine affect the ability of Indian Tribes to regulate their members, lands, schools, cultural institutions, and communities in ways that honor tribal traditions.

Tribal Sovereignty

Mark Chavaree provides a brief discussion of this concept as it applies to Indian tribes generally. The major thrust of this article concentrates on the sovereignty of the Penobscot Nation (hereinafter referred to as the “Nation”), with particular focus on the changes wrought by the 1980 Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act.

Maine Indian Claims Settlement: Concepts, Context, and Perspectives

Created as part of the settlement, the Commission is required to review its effectiveness and the relationship between the State and the Passamaquoddy Tribe and Penobscot Indian Nation. The Commission hopes that this report will promote greater understanding of the issues and deeply held beliefs that shape today's debates about tribal-state relations.

Three Commentaries on the Brimley Article

Donna Loring, Penobscot Nation member and current Penobscot Nation Tribal Representative to the Maine Legislature, Lisa Neuman, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Native American Studies, UMaine, and Laurance Rosen, Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University, provide commentaries on the Brimley article. The commentaries were originally published in the Fall/Winter 2004 issue of Maine Policy Review, a journal published by the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine and Margaret Chase Smith Library in Skowhegan. For online access to the journal readers may go to www.umaine.edu/mcsc/mpr.htm.

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