Penobscot Nation v. Stilphen 461 A.2d 478 (Me. 1983)
In 1982, the Penobscot Nation filed for injunctive relief asserting in part that MIA Section 6206(1) protects against State interference in internal tribal matters. The Court rejected the Penobscot Nation argument. As a result, the State view that the Penobscot Nation beano operation was subject to State law under 30 MRSA §6204 prevailed.
Wabanaki, State of ME & MITSC Sign Declaration to Undertake TRC
On May 24, 2011, Wabanaki Chiefs, Governor Paul LePage and MITSC Commissioner Denise Yarmal signed a Declaration of Intent committing the entities to conduct a collaborative Truth and Reconciliation Process examining what has happened, what is happening, and what needs to happen regarding Maine child welfare practices with Wabanaki people.
Declaration of Intent to Create a ME/Wabanaki Truth & Reconciliation Process
On May 24, 2011, Wabanaki leaders and Governor Paul LePage gathered at Indian Island to sign a Declaration of Intent committing the six governments to undertake a truth and reconciliation process to examine what happened to Wabanaki People who had contact with the State of Maine child welfare system, to promote healing, and to suggest possible system reform.