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United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (often referred to as UNDRIP) was adopted by the United Nations on September 13th, 2007. The Declaration is a comprehensive statement addressing the human rights of indigenous peoples. The document includes 46 Articles that address the rights of indigenous peoples to live in dignity, to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures, and natural environments, and to pursue self-determined development, in keeping with their own needs and aspirations.

Maine Resolution on UNDRIP (2008)

This is the Joint Resolution of the Maine Legislature expressing support for the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Maine Legislature was the first state legislature in the United States to pass such a resolution.

MITSC supplemental filing with the UN Special Rapporteur Rights of Indigenous Peoples James Anaya

MITSC responded to a 7/17 letter from UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples James Anaya seeking supporting information for a 5/16/12 letter. The MITSC submission focuses on the evidence of structural oppression of the Wabanaki Tribes within the State of Maine due to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act and Maine Implementing Act.

The Maine Implementing Act Through the Lens of UNDRIP MITSC Presentation to NAISA 6/4/2012

The PowerPoint presentation given by MITSC Executive Director John Dieffenbacher-Krall to the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association June 4, 2012.

MITSC letter to UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples James Anaya

The Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission filed a letter with UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples James Anaya in response to his general request for information as part of his official visit to the US in 2012.

Analysis of the MIA’s (30 MRSA §6201 et. seq.) Conformance with the UNDRIP

This report analyzes each section of the Maine Implementing Act (30 MRSA §6201 et. seq.) for its conformance with the 46 articles delineated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the UN General Assembly 9/13/07.

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